You grant vitality to your employees and you understand that this is crucial for the survival of the company. But where do you start? What change in culture and leadership is needed to prioritize vitality? With these tips you will be well on your way to a positive work climate.
1. Maintain the balance
Is your employee the one who always turns off the lights and sends e-mails at the weekend? That might mean that something is out of balance, but not necessarily so. Have a chat with them however, to check how things are with them. And be aware of any signs of stress like fatigue, lower productivity, less initiative, cynicism, irritations, difficulty coping with changes and, of course, absenteeism.
Once the energy sources no longer weigh up against the job demands, there is work to do. There are 2 options to regain the balance: increase the energy sources or reduce the job demands. An employee who is overwhelmed and losing their grip does not always benefit from a temporary reduction in workload. That merely shifts the real problem to the future.
Ask the employee: what gave you energy before? And why has that energy disappeared? Based on that knowledge, together you can consider what to do. Maintaining energy sources is a challenge at times of stress and high workload. It is up to you to keep the employee alert.
2. Put a discussion about home life on the agenda.
Work-life balance and the extent to which you can let go of work is sometimes discussed in conversations between manager and employee. But talking about someone's diet, sleep rhythm, financial concerns, care for others and other energy issues is often difficult. That's none of your business, is it?
However, factors outside work have a great impact on the work floor. Be prepared to have that conversation without judging and to support the employee where necessary. As well as listening, offer help in the form of lifestyle coaching, for instance.
Vitality consists of several factors. To ensure that your interventions actually achieve results, it is smart to first investigate what exactly is going on in the organization or the team.'
3. Faciliteer betekenisvol werk
People want to contribute to a higher purpose. What is meaningful for someone is determined by their personal values and goals. When those are in line with the organisational values and goals, there is an undisputed match. Employees are involved, enthusiastic and go the extra mile without complaining. They will stay with the organisation for longer and can deliver top results.
So, communicate the goals and values of the organisation clearly. And how someone contributes to that. Not just by sharing a strategic vision in 37 PowerPoint slides in vague management jargon. Speak the language of the employee.
4. Make maximum use of talents.
A positive working climate stimulates cooperation and involvement and gives employees a sense of being supported and challenged. Energy is created when people can use their talents in their work and experience that they add value.
You will be amazed how many people are unaware of their own talents but can easily list someone else's qualities. People often take their own capacities for granted and underestimate their worth. So, be the mirror they need by showing appreciation and recognition. And consider together how their talents can be better used.
Also offer opportunities for development, so that employees can fulfil their potential. This might be through a training or course, but also give them the chance to learn and experiment on the
5. Encourage job crafting
Job crafting means that employees take the initiative to bring their work (environment) in line with their personal ambitions, passions and preferences. For example, by delegating energy-consuming tasks to someone who does enjoy that work. Or by starting up a project with nice colleagues who share the same values.
Employees who engage in job crafting unite their talents and interests in their work, resulting in a sense of challenge, job satisfaction and vitality. When employees actively think about how to use their talents, changes follow as a matter of course. They become more proactive and have more confidence in their abilities. What does that require from you as a manager? Above all, accommodating and trusting in the (decision-making) power of your employee.
4. Find out where the organisation stands
Vitality consists of various factors. To ensure that your interventions really have a result, it is smart to first examine what exactly is going on in the organisation or team. Energize, Realise's employee empowerment & vitality programme, can achieve this.
Discover Energize, Realise's employee empowerment & vitality programme which strengthens employees and encourages a positive and healthy working climate. Based on a careful organisation scan, we make an integrated and impactful programme based on the situation in your company. With guaranteed result.