Make learning and developing accessible!
Our employability program maps out the development and training needs of your employees and immediately stimulates a learning climate. Also possible with SLIM subsidy.
Our employability program maps out the development and training needs of your employees and immediately stimulates a learning climate. Also possible with SLIM subsidy.
A Realise learning director discusses the process in an intake and makes an inventory of the organizational context and goals. The employability program is tailor-made.
After completing the Learning and Development Need Scan (LOS), employees receive a personal feedback report. It is possible to request an e-coach conversation for support.
Managers are trained by a Realise learning director in conducting a development interview with employees.
The learning and development needs are fed back by Realise in an online reporting dashboard and a strategic, but practical learning and development plan for the organization.
The Realise learning director offers support in setting up or optimizing the business school.
Book a free demo with us and get a good idea of what we can do for you. Do you have questions or need more information? Our research and learning directors are happy to help you!
As a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) you can apply for a subsidy from the central government. The subsidy is a maximum of €24,999.00 per company. For partnerships, the subsidy is a maximum of €500,000.00. Read more about the SLIM subsidy.
You can apply for the SLIM subsidy for all kinds of initiatives aimed at learning and development. For example, researching education and training needs or having career advice developed for employees. Practically, for example, you implement a system of periodic development interviews with employees or a company school.
We would like to make it clear for you. With a step-by-step plan to turn your company into a learning company. Increase your chance of a SLIM subsidy by working together with the number 1 trainer in the Netherlands! (source: MT magazine)
Many organizations have not escaped this since the corona outbreak: employees are working from home en masse. This is also the case at Philips in the Netherlands. From one day to the next, virtually all office workers had to work from home. Completely Philips own was immediately responded to. In a short time an innovative offer was developed to support working from home: 'Philips Develop@Home'.
In de aanloop naar de Week van het Werkgeluk deden wij onderzoek naar het (werk)geluk van Nederlandse medewerkers. Van de 600+ deelnemers zegt 36% dat hun werkgeluk verslechterd is sinds corona. Hoe kun je ervoor zorgen dat het werkgeluk van medewerkers ondanks moeilijke tijden toch op peil blijft?
At Realise we ensure that people make the difference for your organization. We do this by bringing together employee research, organizational development and behavioral development. We would like to work with you and inspire you to look at your organization differently.
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