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Reflecting on the way to a crime-free life

Every year, 35,000 prisoners return to society. The Custodial Institutions Agency (Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen - DJI), which is responsible for all the prisons in the Netherlands for the Ministry of Justice and Security, helps ensure that their return is successful. With the aim of preventing them returning to a life of crime. One of the tools that the DJI uses is the Reflector:, a questionnaire for prisoners.

Reflector as a tool in the reintegration trajectory

The Custodial Institutions Agency is responsible for incarcerating and facilitating the daily life of prisoners. An important aspect is preparing them for their return to society: the reintegration. The DJI Detention & Reintegration project also supports the development and implementation of the reintegration program, including training sessions and the Reflector.

Together with other tools, the Reflector provides an integral impression of a prisoner's personal situation, pitfalls and needs. Maartje van Hardeveld, (ex) prisoner reintegration advisor at DJI explains: "In this way, municipalities, probation service and DJI can quickly join forces and develop and monitor a detention & reintegration plan together with the prisoner. The Reflector helps in this."

In this way, municipalities, the probation service and DJI can quickly join forces and work out and monitor a detention & reintegration plan together with the detainee. The Reflector helps with this.

What does the Reflector involve?

The Reflector is a digital questionnaire. The questions encourage the prisoners to think about themselves, life inside and outside prison, outlook on life and motives. The aim is to allow the prisoner to form a self image.

After completing the digital questionnaire, a prisoner immediately receives a personal report. A member of the reintegration centre staff discusses this report with the prisoner. The results, together with the other information from the intake screening, are then used as a starting point for the prisoner's incarceration and reintegration plan.

Based on the results and other information from the intake screening, the case manager and mentor talk to the prisoner: how can he or she get their life back on track and stay away from crime?

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Gemeente Haaksbergen - Realise
Dienst-Justitiele-Inlichten-DJI - Realise
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